Our body is made of AIR, WATER and FOOD we are breathing, drinking and eating along with the INFORMATION on daily basis. 
Health & Disease is an outcome of all these things in balance or out of balance.
Now comes the Toxic contamination of air, water, food and the deficiency of nutrients along with the pollution of mind; the thoughts, feelings and emotions. These all  are needed to be handled to check and revive the deterioration of health rather than taking medicines to further contaminate and suppress the reaction of BODY & MIND to all these onslaughts on it.
Role of Chemical Fertilizers & Pesticides...
Because of indiscriminate use of Chemical Fertilizers and Pesticides and decreasing use of compost for last 60 yrs, the soil contents of minerals have come down very heavily in terms of major and micro minerals day by day. Simultaneously the Pesticides have become an essential part of our vegetables, fruits & grains. They are even present in mother's milk to not permissible levels.

Other factors affecting the vitamin levels in our food are -
1. Reduced level of vitamins in fruits & vegetables because of poor soil health.
2. Early plucking and artificial ripening of fruits & vegetables.
3. Storage of fruits & vegetables for longer period before consumption deteriorating the nutrition value.
4. Methods of cooking further destroy vitamins & enzymes.

Nutritional Imbalance is the major concern these days due to eating habits of modern life style. Most common side effect of which is increasing tendency of obesity not only in adults but kids also & simultaneously a many fold increase in life style related diseases like Hypertension, Diabetes, Heart diseases etc.
Most of the time our food consists of only Empty calories. Indian diet is typically Carbohydrate & Fat rich, hardly containing 10 to 15% of good Proteins. This diet pattern of us along with increasing sedentary habits is responsible for the largest no. of Diabetics & Heart patients in the world.

The solution.
We know that Natural and Organic food along with pure air and water is the best solution but if it is not available and affordable then time to time DETOXIFICATION is the only solution. This is just like we get our car serviced and home cleaned regularly. We need to clean our real home, this body, time to time. And it is not only body that is accumulating toxins but the Mind is also becoming more and more contaminated, a major cause of more than 70% of all disease, the Psychosomatic (Mind affecting Body) diseases.
How to do this MIND-BODY DETOX, let's talk...

Dr. Sanjay Jindal
e-mail: drsjindal@yahoo.com
mob: +91-9810628612