Let's talk about Homeopathy...

Homeopathy came in to light in the last quarter of 18th century by a German Physician Dr. C.F.S. Hahnemann and now this is the second most popular system of medicine world wide, being considered to be as the medicine of future because Science still doesn't know much about how these medicines act and many of the scientist, despite excellent clinical results claim it to be the placebo or fake medicines. They do not study in depth then how and why a chronic disease gets cured for ever.


People know Homeopathy by a few facts;

 1. No side effects and 2. Permanent Cure 3. Sweet & easy to consume especially by children. 

"Similia Similibus Curentur (Let Similar Be Cured By Similar)" is the basic principle of Homeopathy which means a disease condition is cured by the medicine that can create the similar disease if given to the healthy person as Homeopathic medicines are tested on healthy humans only.

Here the most important fact to mention is, that Homeopathic medicines are tested on Physically, Mentally & Emotionally  HEALTHY HUMAN BEINGS, not animals. because mouse, monkeys and rabbits etc. can't be compared with human beings in terms of Mind; thoughts, ideas, feelings & emotions, known to be at the root cause of a disease.

Homeopathic Medicines are Energy Medicines or NANO MEDICINE, even much much beyond Nano particles. They range from material to energy form. The drug substance used (minerals, plants & animal source) to prepare medicine is so much diluted and dynamized or potentized that it can't be detected by any modern scientific method after its 24th dilution or power (for example Ars 30, here 30 is the power of medicine which means it is 1030 times diluted of original Arsenicum album used to prepare the drug). Basically at this much dilution and even up to highest dilution of 10100000       
the original crude drug substance is reduced to its pure ENERGY form and dispensed in either Alcohol, water or sweet pills of milk/cane sugar. Now, to non-scientific people it may be a fake or placebo medicine but those who can understand the concept of Matter and Energy being inter-convertible, can easily understand that only a medicine that is in energy form can actually reach to the root cause of a disease, the emotions, which are actually altered energy patterns, nothing else. We need a medicine that is comparable, in form, with emotions. Now we know that Emotions are energy patterns and most of our diseases are PSYCHOSOMATIC (mind affecting body).

Why there are NO SIDE EFFECTS? Being so much dilute, undetectable and existing in energy form, they act at the root cause of disease process, the mind, not bodyThe emotions of fear, anger, grief, hatred, jealousy etc are nothing but energy forms producing their different effects in the body. Material doses of modern medicine, the chemicals, just try to balance the body chemistry produced by altered (pathological) emotions. These altered emotions are just translated in to body chemistry producing altered chemicals (the Enzymes & Hormones), causing altered function, the disease.

Dr. Sanjay Jindal
B.H.M.S. H.D.A
Homeopathic Physician & Counselor
Call for online consultation: 9810628612